We are keen to improve the fluency of the children in our school, as fluency is key to accessing all areas of mathematics confidently. Knowing number facts ‘off by heart’ frees up space in a child’s working memory when they complete more complex calculations and allows children to reason and problem solve with greater depth, which alongside fluency, are the key elements of the mathematics curriculum. To Support this we use a range of tools to support fluency. We use numbots, Times Table Rockstars (TTRS) and Club99.
Numbots’, a programme designed to improve children’s fluency, recall and conceptual understanding of number facts. This is most successful when played for at least 3 minutes, 4-5 times a week.
Please support us by encouraging your child to play at home.
As a school we will be focusing on our quick recall of times table facts. We will be using Times Tables Rockstars to support the children with this. TT Rockstars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times table practice. It is more successful when played daily in short bursts of time. Please support us with this by encouraging your child to play daily at home.
As with reading and writing, try to make maths as fun as possible. It;s also important to show how we use mathematics skills in our everyday lives and to involve your child in this. Identifying problems and solving them can also help your child develop maths skills. If you see him or her puzzling over something, talk about the problem and try to work out the solution together. Don't shy away from maths if you didn’t like it at school. Try to find new ways to enjoy the subject with your child. Please follow the links before for lots of ideas for helping with maths at home. The NCETM videos are very helpful as they show different strategies for solving maths problems.